Combined transport via Danube river and transhipment operations in Bulgaria

Combined transport via Danube river and transhipment operations in Bulgaria

Transport across the Danube River is extremely suitable for bulky and heavy cargo, thus saving on tolls, permits and other costs along the route. The main route we carry out is from Germany (the ports of Deggendorf, Regensburg and Passau) to Ruse and vice versa. The city of Ruse is a strategic European point for shipping along the Danube River. European transport corridors No. 7 and No. 9 cross here, and river, road and railway transport can be combined. The Port of Ruse is the largest river port in Bulgaria and has a Ro-Ro terminal for unloading self-propelled machines and vehicles. Project cargo with a maximum weight of up to 60 tons can be handled in the port of Ruse with 2 port cranes and up to 100 tons with a floating crane.

In the interior of the country, we can arrange mobile cranes for loading or unloading cargo of unlimited weight.


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